DIY Ornament! Blogmas Day 14!


❄ Hello Readers! ❄

Today I’m here with some do it yourself ornaments. Now, I like to think i’m crafty when i’m really not so here are some super easy DIY ornaments that anyone can make!


First, all you need are some clear glass ornaments, some floor polish, glitter, paint brushes and paint that’s suitable for glass.

I put lettered stickers on some of the ornaments so I could paint them and peel off the sticker and get a pretty effect.


Some of the ornaments got a few drops of floor polish on the inside so that it was fully coated. Then came the glitter. I’m not sure why this works but Pinterest assured me it would so I went with it.

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Also, I picked up this snow stuff that I think you’re supposed to use for Christmas villages but I decided it would look awesome in an ornament. It was a pain in the a$$ to do but it looks so beautiful that it’s what i’ve been using as my banner for Blogmas!


And if you’re looking for something a little more kid friendly my aunt went to Michaels and they have a whole section of holiday crafts for kids, including these ornaments!


Which were the most difficult things i’ve ever assembled. Seriously. Stick with the foam ones or something else. The felt is evil. And I can’t seem to find it on their website so that’s good too. Stick with the foam. They’re all super cute and a fun family activity, Creatology’s got it goin on.

Anddddd, that’s it for today. I’m still trying to get the hang of taking pictures of everything I do step by step so sorry for just having the end results. I’ll get better!

As always, check out the linkup and say HI to everyone!


♥ Leanna

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7 Responses to DIY Ornament! Blogmas Day 14!

  1. Alex MS says:

    Omg, all of your ornaments are so cute!! I love the glitter ones (I’m a sucker for glitter). Also, the first ornament with the M? It immediately reminded me of the door handle that Joe Pesci burns his hand on in Home Alone haha! If you’re a Home Alone fan (or fanatic) like me I thought you might get a kick out of it 🙂


  2. hahaha “The felt is evil.” love it… and love those glitter ornaments! 🙂


  3. hahaha “the felt is evil” So funny! And I have to agree! I remember doing felt crafts as a kid and getting so frustrated. lol! Foam is definitely better! I love how all of your ornaments turned out. I heard about the glitter/floor polish ones but still haven’t tried it yet. Yours are lovely!


  4. Taylor says:

    These are so cute!!! I am loving all of the glitter!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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